As you go through life and look back at the many decisions you have made, you quickly come to realize these decision not only affected the course of your life but your family, friends and loved ones as well. Decisions like… do I accept the new job offer? Where to live? When do I sell our home? When to retire? Some are in the cards and circumstances made the final decisions for you – timing, finances, health etc.
For me after the decision to retire, came health, yes, careful financial planning was important, but health really jumps up at you. While living in Florida, my wife was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. My daughter, who resided in New Hampshire, immediately said, "bring her here and we'll take care of her, an offer we found hard to refuse. Therefore, we did and my daughter took good care of her for the next two years. Thereafter though, I could see that my wife's health was deteriorating and we had to make the decision to begin researching assisted living to better meet her needs. Finding the right place of course was important, we visited several facilities looking for the right fit. The "Goldilocks” facility.
We had many factors to consider - Quality of care, Location, Pricing and of course the Facility itself. During our search, we took many tours and were exposed to all of the features and amenities each had to offer. We soon realized; location and price would became the primary factors in our decision process - true there were facilities that offered more amenities and luxury but we had to remain practical as well.
The decisive factor was a referral from my daughter's next-door neighbor. He is a doctor and explained that he had faced the same situation and he chose to allow his father to live out his days at Langdon Place of Exeter, a facility affiliated with Genesis HealthCare. Putting this all together, we determined what the best value was for us and we chose Langdon Place of Exeter. We made the right decision!
Writing by: Roy Love, proud husband, father and decision maker.