Coronavirus Updates 05/25/2021

Dear Family and Friends,

As communities start to loosen COVID-19 restrictions, we wanted to share an update on visitation guidelines. Genesis-affiliated centers are currently offering indoor visitation for all residents (regardless of vaccination status), with the exception of the three scenarios listed below. CMS, the federal agency that regulates nursing centers, has updated its visitation guidance due to high resident vaccination rates and a drop in COVID-19 cases around the country. The following are the three scenarios where indoor visits would not routinely be permitted per CMS:

  • If the center’s county positivity rate is greater than 10% AND less than 70% of residents in the facility are fully vaccinated, then unvaccinated residents may not receive visits;
  • Residents with confirmed COVID-19, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, may not receive visits until they meet criteria for discontinuation of transmission-based precautions; and
  • Residents in quarantine (observation), whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, may not receive visits until they have met criteria for release from quarantine.

Because each center's visitation status varies, we ask that you check your center's web page to determine if the center is open to Limited Indoor Visitation or General Indoor Visitation as a starting point. Limited Indoor Visitation means that one of the three scenarios listed above are a concern and visitation is limited to certain wings or compassionate care visits only. Please contact your center directly to determine current visitation protocols and to schedule an appointment, if available. With General Indoor Visitation, centers are at different stages of opening up to visitation. In some centers, regular visiting hours have resumed, while other centers are still requiring an appointment based on community prevalence. Please contact your center directly to determine current visitation policies before traveling to the center.

We would like to thank all families and friends for their continued support of our patients and residents, and for your patience and support during this pandemic.

As a reminder, you can visit your Center’s web page for daily updates on visitation and vaccination rates at:

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