Press Releases
AHCA/NCAL Elects New Board of Governors, Directors at Annual Convention in Las Vegas
10/20/2017Las Vegas — Today, the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) elected AHCA’s Board of Governors and NCAL’s Board of Directors for the 2017/2018 term. Among the new officers, both boards selected new chairs for the coming year: Michael Wylie of Pennsylvania for the AHCA Board and Ashley Blankenship of Arkansas for the NCAL Board.
“We are so grateful to be adding the passion and wisdom of this distinguished group of leaders to our respective Boards,” said AHCA/NCAL President and CEO Mark Parkinson. “Our mission to improve lives by providing solutions for quality care is more important than ever, and our field will benefit from Michael and Ashley’s guidance.”
Wylie began serving on AHCA’s Board of Governors in 2012, most recently as Vice Chair. He is the Vice President of Development at Genesis HealthCare and a past chairman of the Board of Directors at the Pennsylvania Health Care Association. Prior to his role as Vice Chair of the AHCA Board of Governors, Michael served as Secretary/Treasurer and an At-Large Representative.
The remaining members of AHCA’s newly-elected board include:
• Deborah Meade of Georgia, Vice Chair
• Phil Fogg of Oregon, Secretary/Treasurer
• Tom Coble of Oklahoma, Immediate Past Chair
• Gary Kelso of Utah, Not-For-Profit Representative
• Phil Scalo of New Jersey, Independent Owner Representative
• Steven Cavanaugh of Virginia, Multifacility Representative
• Fred Benjamin of Illinois, Regional Multifacility Representative
• Greg Elliot of West Virginia, At-Large Representative
• Janet Snipes of Colorado, At-Large Representative
• Joseph Mitchell of Florida, At-Large Representative and
• Curtis Reese of California At-Large Representative
The three ex-officio members on the AHCA Board of Governors include:
• Dirk Anjewierden of Utah, Affiliated State Health Care Association (ASHCAE) Representative
• Peter Corless, Associate Business Member (ABM) Representative and
• Ashley Blankenship of Arkansas, NCAL Representative.
NCAL also elected its Board of Directors today, including Blankenship as the new chair. She is the owner and vice president of operations at Southridge Village Assisted Living, which operates four assisted living facilities in Arkansas. She was elected to NCAL’s Board in 2010 and held the roles of Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, and At-Large Representative. She also co-chaired the Independent Owner Assisted Living Council and chaired the Risk Management Work Group.
The remaining members of NCAL’s Board of Directors include:
• Helen Crunk of Nebraska, Vice Chair
• Gerald Hamilton of New Mexico, Secretary/Treasurer
• Chris Mason of Oregon, Immediate Past Chair
• Rod Burkett of Illinois, At-Large Representative
• David Chensvold of Iowa, At-Large Representative
• Lee Field of Washington, At-Large Representative
• Denise German of Kansas, At-Large Representative
• Steven Heaney of New Jersey, At-Large Representative
• Jay Leo of Oregon, At-Large Representative
• Mark Maxfield of Idaho, At-Large Representative
• Ed McMahon of Virginia, At-Large Representative
• Sean Mockbee of Arizona, At-Large Representative
• Mike Pochowski of New Jersey, At-Large Representative
• Travis Romano of Massachusetts, At-Large Representative
• Mary Savoy of Washington, D.C., At-Large Representative
• Gail Sheridan of Minnesota, At-Large Representative
• Veronica Sharpe of Washington, D.C., ASHCAE Vice President
• Heath Boddy of Nebraska, ASHCAE Representative and
• Shawn Scott of Medline Industries, ABM Representative.
As the AHCA Chair, Wylie also serves as an ex-officio member on the NCAL Board.
“We are proud of this group of thoughtful leaders who bring their insight and diverse experience to the table at a time of incredible growth and change for assisted living,” said NCAL Executive Director Scott Tittle. “We look forward to our new board leading the assisted living profession successfully forward into the future.”
Members of the AHCA Board of Governors are elected by the association’s governing body, the Council of States. The NCAL Board of Directors is elected by current members of the NCAL Board and by NCAL State Leaders or the NCAL State Leader’s proxy. Both boards hold elections for their members at the AHCA/NCAL Annual Convention.
The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) represent more than 13,500 non-profit and proprietary skilled nursing centers, assisted living communities, sub-acute centers and homes for individuals with intellectual and development disabilities. By delivering solutions for quality care, AHCA/NCAL aims to improve the lives of the millions of frail, elderly and individuals with disabilities who receive long term or post-acute care in our member facilities each day. For more information, please visit or